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Writing Crime

An Affair to Remember
By Lisa J Lieberman
Posted: 2021-08-31T02:05:00Z

Midway through the workshop at the Publick House, someone asked the question that had been on everyone’s mind: “My readers are not Millennials or Generation Z. How does learning TikTok help me sell cozies?” As Kim repeated the question, I could see heads nodding in agreement, but she’d come prepared. Her teenaged son was complaining just the other day, she told the group, because whenever his generation discovers something cool, like Facebook or Twitter or Snapchat, our generation adopts it and makes it uncool. It’s only a matter of time before we oldies hijack TikTok and drive the young people elsewhere. 

In other words, now is the time to catch the wave.

Okay, some of us are not too swift when it comes to social media. It may take more than a single workshop to get us up to speed. Some folks missed the event. Not to worry: Kim is in the process of recording her powerpoint, with narration. It will be available on our chapter’s YouTube channel, which you can access through the SinCNE website, once it’s posted. Go to the Menu on our Home page and click on the Social Media tab.

Frankly, many of us came for the company. After so many months of socializing on Zoom, how glorious it was, being together under the big tent. The buffet lunch was delicious, Lorraine’s signature cocktails were a big hit, and by the time we left, there wasn’t a single piece of carrot cake remaining on the dessert table. I personally saw to that!

Thanks to Kim Herdman Shapiro for putting together a fabulous program and for patiently answering every last question. Thanks are also are due to Hans Copek, for providing us with name tags, and to Farmer Rory for the gorgeous bouquets that graced the tables. I will treasure the memory of this special day.

Auf Wiedersehen, dear friends. Until we meet again.

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