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HomeSinCNE Conflict of Interest Policy

Sisters in Crime, New England Chapter Conflict of Interest Policy – Effective November 12, 2021

Many members of the New England Chapter, Sisters in Crime (SinCNE), are engaged in a variety of professional and volunteer activities that relate to the mission of Sisters in Crime, to promote the ongoing advancement, recognition, and professional development of female crime writers. The board and the chapter overall benefit significantly from the perspectives that our members bring to the organization. However, it is important to ensure that any conflicts of interest, real or perceived, between SinCNE’s best interests and those of its board and officers are disclosed. Officers and board members have a duty of loyalty and must put personal interest aside when making decisions on behalf of the organization.

We will implement this policy as follows:

  1. Each Executive Committee and other Board member will be asked at the beginning of each calendar year to complete a questionnaire detailing potential conflicts of interest based on employment, business, professional affiliations, or other activities. New candidates for the Board and the Executive Committee will also be asked to complete the questionnaire when they confirm their interest in serving.
  2. The Executive Committee will review the questionnaires. The Secretary will maintain electronic copies of the completed questionnaires and make them available for review by any Board member.
  3. If a Board or Executive Committee member has a personal or professional interest in an item to be discussed at any Board or Executive Committee meeting, separate from involvement in the Board or Executive Committee, the board member will be required to disclose that interest at the beginning of the meeting. After presenting their views on the matter, the board member will leave the meeting during the subsequent discussion and will abstain from voting on that matter.

Members of the Board and the Executive Committee should be aware that any transactions between SinCNE and a third party related personally or professionally to the Board must be reported by law on SinCNE’s annual filing with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division.

Nothing in this policy or procedure should be construed to restrict Board members, including those on the Executive Committee, from serving the wider crime writing community through other professional and volunteer activities.